Trustees selected this highly respected foundation which offers residential courses for writers of many disciplines and with a vast range of experiences as a suitable link with The Barbara and Philip Denny Charitable Trust because we felt a strong link with Barbara’s lifelong works of historical writing, journalism and poetry.
Denny Trust Visit to Arvon’s The Hurst August 2024
On Tuesday 6th August Trustees, Ted & Clara made the trip up to vist Arvons property, The Hurst, in Shropshire. As Natasha Carlish, Deputy CEO of Arvon, lives in Shrewsbury she kindly gave us a lift there and back. Ted and Natasha have met several times over the years and as the journey is about an hour through beautiful countryside it gave Clara the perfect chance to meet and chat with Natasha and learn more about Arvon and the work the charity does with aspiring writers of all genres.
Arvon Grant Report July 2024
‘This course has been of far greater use than my entire post-grad study of writing. I have learned an amazing amount […] I have improved my skill as a writer, my self-awareness, looking at different perspectives, my self-esteem has been boosted […] The course has helped me as a writer and as a person.’ – Grant recipient, 2024
It is difficult to overstate Arvon’s gratitude to the Barbara and Philip Denny Charitable Trust. They are truly a cornerstone of our Grant Fund, having been committed supporters for more than a decade, helping so many writers who would not otherwise be able to take part in our courses, and aiding Arvon in our aim to be open to all. We are especially grateful for your increased gift this year, which was hugely welcome to both writers and Arvon in these financially challenging times. Thank you to the trustees.
Arvon Grant Report Dec 2023
‘Connecting with other writers is challenging in the area where I live. […] The opportunity to spend a week at Arvon meeting creative writers/authors was a positive and life-affirming experience I will never forget. […] It was exhilarating […] I learned so much and am still processing and reflecting upon the experience.’ – Grant recipient, 2023
Arvon can’t thank the trustees of the Barbara and Philip Denny Charitable Trust enough for their unstinting support of writers on low incomes through our Grant Fund. The Trust is truly a cornerstone of the Fund, having made a huge difference to countless writers’ lives, and your incredibly generous promise to give even more to the Fund next year means so much to us – both because it will help yet more writers and as an endorsement of our work. We are deeply grateful.
Arvon Grant Report Dec 2022
‘The [Arvon course] was one of the most incredible experiences of my life. […] As a direct result of the grant, I now feel a sense of hope, excitement, and determination when thinking of my future as a writer. I am incredibly and eternally grateful for this experience.’ – Grant recipient, 2022
Everyone at Arvon is so grateful to the trustees of the Barbara and Philip Denny Charitable Trust for their committed support of disadvantaged writers through our Grant Fund.
Read the full report here.
Read the Arvon update here.
Arvon Grant Report Dec 2021
Arvon continues to be indebted to the Barbara and Philip Denny Charitable Trust for their unstinting support of our Grant Fund, especially during a pandemic that has been difficult for funders as well as for charities.
Over a decade since your first grant, your support could not have been more welcome than this year, when we finally reopened our writing houses to great demand for grants. The Barbara and Philip Denny Charitable Trust’s generosity has given writers on low incomes a week of inspiration, community and joy after a year that lacked all three.
Arvon Grant Report Aug 2021
Arvon is hugely grateful to the Barbara and Philip Denny Charitable Trust for their generosity. This year marks a decade since your first grant, and we are particularly grateful for your continued support during a pandemic that has had such a devastating financial impact on so many.
The financial ramifications of the pandemic mean that we are seeing increased demand for grants. Many people have lost their jobs or had their income dramatically reduced, especially if they are self-employed, which writers often are. During the pandemic, we have restructured our programming into three seasons rather than one year-long programme. This enables us to programme more quickly and reactively, as well as to offer residentials for young people and vulnerable adults year-round. Covid restrictions meant that residential courses did not resume until July and to date we have awarded 53 grants to writers on a low income at an average of £457. So far, 30% of grant applicants have been disabled, 45% have been BAME, and 62% have an income of less than £17,000 a year, with 43% having an income of less than £11,000 a year.
Arvon Grant Report Aug-Dec 2020
Arvon is extremely grateful to the Trustees of The Barbara and Philip Denny Charitable Trust for your generous support of the Grant Fund. We value the Foundation’s ongoing commitment to enabling the most diverse range of voices possible to attend our courses and providing many writers from disadvantaged backgrounds with the opportunity to develop their writing and potential.
Who has benefited from your support?
Arvon awarded grants to a limited number of writers on a low income to attend residential courses in February and March. Below are details of three individuals who benefitted from your generous support this year: A woman from Liverpool received a £400 grant to attend the Poetry course at Lumb Bank from 3-8 February 2020. The tutors were award-winning poets Antony Dunn and Rebecca Goss. The grant recipient is self-employed, and her income is low. She told us how much she learned on the course and how it helped her find her next steps: “Through attending the excellent classes on the course and receiving useful feedback from the tutors, I was made aware of the aspects of my poetry that could be improved and I was given the tools to do it. I also started several new poems which I plan to continue with. As a result of the course, I have decided to do a Masters in Creative Writing.”
Arvon Grant Report Feb 2020
We recognise that writers in the greatest need are unable to make a contribution to attend an Arvon course and need a fully subsidised place. Thanks to our generous supporters, Arvon have established three awards providing writers on a low-income a fully subsidised place on an Arvon course of their choosing. One of the writers to benefit last year was Julie Noble, who attended a non-fiction course in October, she explains the impact of attending an Arvon course:
“I’m a single parent from a working-class background living on a small council estate in Northern England. Receiving the Award was a blessing in a challenging life situation. I thoroughly enjoyed the course at The Hurst, so much so that I didn’t want to come home! The life-writing course was of massive benefit both on a personal basis and for my writing. The tutorials made me envisage a positive future I would never have pictured by myself; my writing feels more solid and my confidence has increased because of the tutors’ support. The whole setting of Arvon is a total delight and, as a mother of five who has been cooking for my family for decades, it was a real treat to take turns with meals and washing up instead of it being wholly my responsibility. We had some good talks during kitchen duty and when it wasn’t my turn, I had more time for thinking and writing! My time at Arvon was strengthening, invigorating and resilience-building. I will never forget it.”
Arvon Grant Report Aug-Dec 2019
“Often, it is actually those in the most challenging financial straits who most desperately need the opportunity Arvon provides to writers: time to write, in an environment designed to inspire, nurture and develop creativity. It’s carers, those on low incomes, those from BAME backgrounds, who most struggle to justify the space and time to write. By funding this grant programme, you are bringing writers and new literature into the world, that might not otherwise have the chance to ever be written.” – Grant recipient
Arvon is extremely grateful to the Trustees of The Barbara and Philip Denny Charitable Trust for their ongoing support of the Grant Fund. Over the last nine years, your vital support has helped writers on a low income from across the UK to find their voice, develop their craft, or to create time and space to focus on their work in progress. Your generosity continues to make an invaluable contribution to our Grant Fund and helps ensure that the most diverse range of voices possible can attend our courses.
In 2019, we awarded over 130 grants to writers on a low income, enabling them to attend Arvon’s courses. Below are three writers on a low income who benefited from your generous support.
Arvon Grant Report Aug 2019
“It was a very special experience for me […] I feel I have tapped depths within myself which I could rarely do before. The grant was essential for me, I feel so blessed to have received one.” – Grant recipient, 2019
Arvon continues to be deeply grateful to The Barbara and Philip Denny Charitable Trust for their generous commitment to supporting writers on a low income through our Grant Fund. The Foundation’s contributions have been a cornerstone of the Grant Fund for nearly a decade and have opened up the Arvon experience for hundreds of people who would not otherwise have been able to experience it.
Arvon Grant Report Aug-Dec 2018
“The Arvon experience seemed like a distant luxury I had no way of accessing, and therefore didn’t deserve. A grant made it possible to have a week to learn, to grow, to get better. I’m hugely grateful for everything the course has meant to me.” – Grant recipient, 2018
2018 marks fifty years since the very first Arvon course at Totleigh Barton, and we have spent the year celebrating our 50th birthday. We ran 88 courses across our three rural centres covering a range of genres and forms, from Radio Drama to Experimental Fiction to Writing with Ted Hughes. Thanks to your generous support and that of other donors we awarded grants to nearly 125 writers in 2018. This year, 87% of grant recipients had an income of £23,000 or less.
Arvon Grant Report Aug 2018
A woman from Devon received a grant to attend Fiction: Tutored Retreat at Lumb Bank in August 2018. The tutors were novelist and screenwriter Helen Cross and novelist and short story writer Stuart Evers.
The woman applied for the grant after being made redundant from her job at a newspaper and she also volunteers for a local arts organisation and writers’ group. Her eldest of three daughters is disabled, and she said, “we struggle most months to pay bills, food, transport and essential items for the girls”. She reflected on what she gained from her Arvon week: “It has helped me to see the value in the work I do… As a writer, I think the week at Arvon gave me a clearer sense of myself, of what I have that is unique to me, and persuaded me that my work is publishable.”
Penny described how helpful tutor and peer feedback was and said the course was instrumental in her decision to apply for an MA in Creative Writing.
Arvon Grant Report 2017
“I found my Arvon week quite life changing. It has given me the confidence to carry on writing.” —Grant recipient 2017
By the end of 2017, we will have delivered over 80 courses across our three rural centres developing writers’ skills in a variety of forms, ranging from Fiction to Poetry, Playwriting to TV Screenwriting. There continues to be a high demand for financial assistance from writers to attend Arvon courses. This year we have awarded over 75 grants to date. Grant applications reopened in August for courses running from September to December.
Arvon Grant Report 2016
“It has been the most wonderful experience of my life…I’m totally inspired. The time and space given to dedicate to writing in an idyllic quiet location made this week, perfect.” —Grant recipient 2016
Arvon is extremely grateful to the Trustees of The Barbara and Philip Denny Charitable Trust for their ongoing support of our Grants Scheme. We value the relationship with the Trust highly and are thrilled that the Trustees have decided to increase their annual contribution from £5,000 to £6,000 enabling more writers facing disadvantaged and challenging lives the opportunity to participate in an Arvon course.
Grant Report 2015
“Without the grant I could not have come to the course. The grant system also makes the course more eclectic. Not everyone who is a gifted writer has been successful enough in the real world to afford the fee, so the grants bring greater variety and a bigger range of experience to the group.” –Grant recipient 2015
Your ongoing commitment has been vital in ensuring that Arvon courses remain open to everyone – regardless of age, background, income, or ability. The continued support of a handful of Trusts, including The Barbara and Philip Denny Charitable Trust has enabled Arvon to grow our grant fund in 2015 to £54,000. Despite the increase of the fund, demand for financial assistance has remained high. Arvon will continue to identify ways in which we can grow this pot to meet demand over the next few years.